Tantric massages for men near Frankfurt are booked for a variety of reasons. Often people come to me who are very stressed and urgently want to come down again. Others lack loving touch and undivided attention in everyday life. Still others are simply curious about how a tantric massage for men works. Some guests have had prostate surgery, problems with premature ejaculation or have suffered sexual traumas that they are working through.
A tantric massage for men is deeply healing
A tantric massage for men near Frankfurt is a wonderful journey of exploration towards a better understanding of the body and a fulfilled sexuality. I experience again and again how healing unintentional and loving touch is. There are many emotions in our genitals that are not always pleasant.
Many people have grown up ashamed and have never found a real access to their own physicality. Some are tired of the fact that normal sexuality is always about something and a goal is to be achieved. Because when are we really touched without intention?
A tantric massage for men has no goal
In ordinary lovemaking, there is almost always a goal implied when we are touched on our genitals. As a man, you should ideally get an erection or at least come into your pleasure.
This builds up a lot of pressure, which is allowed to go completely in the tantric massage for men. You don't have to do anything at all. You don't have to have an erection or climax, but you are of course welcome to. Whatever happens or does not happen in the tantric massage, I do not relate any of it to me.
All emotions are welcome
Whether a tantric massage for men near Frankfurt is pleasurable, deeply relaxing, healing, emotional or simply beneficial, is left to the magic of the moment. Whatever wants to show itself is welcome.
It is a matter of the heart for me to create safe spaces in the tantra massage for men, where you finally have to do NOTHING. You are allowed to sit back and relax completely. Experience for yourself how beneficial it is not to have to give anything back and to be the center of attention.
The structure of a tantric massage
The whole ritual is designed to get you out of your head and into your body. In the first part, I worship the divine in you, which can feel very unfamiliar. I invite you to engage with it and feel into your heart.
After that, I sensitize your skin with different utensils. This serves to awaken your senses and move from the head into the body. We are usually all day in mental realms and often forget to really feel ourselves. Yet our whole body holds orgasmic potential.
Your energy starts flowing
In the tantric massage for men near Frankfurt you may finally arrive completely in your body and experience how pleasant it feels when the energy is allowed to flow. After sensitization, I massage your body with lots of warm, fragrant oil.
During the Yin-Yang massage, I use flowing movements to specifically stroke out the female Yin and male Yang sides in your body. During the entire tantric massage, your lingam will be included in the touches again and again in a mindful and unintentional way.
Let yourself be bathed in love
In our society, almost everyone suffers from a lack of physical closeness. Even a long-term partnership or marriage doesn't protect you from this, not to mention if you're currently single. Unless we are lucky enough to be in a very cuddly circle of friends, we usually lack intentional caresses.
Yet it is indispensable for our health to feel the physical closeness to other people. In the tantric massage for men I bathe you in love and give you a lot of closeness and security.
A tantric massage has a long lasting effect
A tantric massage for men near Frankfurt usually has a much longer lasting effect than a normal wellness massage. Guests often write to me that they are still reeling from the experience days and weeks later.
If you have not enjoyed physical closeness for a long time, it may well bring tears to your eyes, for example, when I put my hand on your heart or tenderly caress your face.
The tantric massage for men takes place in a protected space, where nothing gets out and all emotions are welcome.
Allow yourself to have new experiences
Should you come into deeper processes in the tantra massage near Frankfurt due to previous traumatic experiences, I will hold a safe space for you in which what has long wanted to dissolve may do so.
Emotions often accumulate in our body at certain points, which dissolve when these parts of the body are specifically touched. I accompany you in this process with my undivided attention. You are safe and secure and allowed to let go of whatever wants to go.
What time period should you choose?
It's normal to be excited if you've never had a male tantra massage near Frankfurt before. Your excitement is most welcome! I have very many guests who book a tantra massage for the first time, and still the excitement has subsided after a short time.
In any case, I recommend the time span of 2 hours, so that you have enough time to get out of your head and arrive in your body. 1.5 hours is more suitable for people who have already had a few tantric massages and can quickly switch off.
Come into complete relaxation
In the serious tantric massage for men near Frankfurt that I offer, there is no assaultive behavior of any kind. I touch your lingam with the utmost mindfulness, love and deep respect and slowly lead you to the lingam massage.
It is totally human if you want to touch me during the massage. However, should you start stroking me, I will lovingly quiet your hands so that your attention stays completely with you.
Enjoy the special experience of not having to give anything back, but simply being richly gifted.
Experience more intense climaxes than usual
By touching your genitals lovingly and without intention, as well as working specifically with energy, you can have completely new experiences. Experience how intense a climax can be when it is built up over a longer period of time.
In the tantric massage for men you will experience both firmer and softer, slower and faster touches. If you are open to it, I also like to involve your prostate. This extremely sensitive and pleasurable part of the body is worth exploring with care.
You are unsure whether you want a prostate massage?
You don't have to decide in the preliminary consultation if you want to get a prostate massage. I will quickly find out in the course of the tantric massage near Frankfurt whether you are receptive to anal touching or not.
If yes, I will be happy to invite you to a mindful prostate massage, which is in no way painful, but can be very enriching, healthy and pleasurable.