Have you ever heard of yoni steaming? What sounds like a new fashion trend is actually an ancient procedure that is quite normal in many African, South American and Asian cultures.
The purpose of yoni steaming is to cleanse the female genitals and increase blood flow. It can also effectively relieve abdominal cramps.
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Why does yoni steaming work?
The warm herbal steam allows the natural active ingredients of medicinal herbs, medicinal plants and flowers to reach your bloodstream via the mucous membranes and from there to the reproductive organs.
The intense heat is extremely beneficial and promotes blood circulation and muscle relaxation. Stagnant energy can be brought back into flow through yoni steaming.
How does yoni steaming work?
You can have a yoni steaming session from the comfort of your own home. Alternatively, there are yoni steaming offers in many larger cities.
For your steam bath at home, bring two to three litres of water to the boil and then add a handful of your desired herbal mixture.
Leave the herbal brew to simmer covered for around 10 minutes and allow it to cool slightly.
Now pour the hot herbal water into a large container and place it under the edge of a chair or other seat so that the steam can easily reach your naked yoni. As you stay in this position for 15 to 30 minutes, it should be reasonably comfortable.
Make sure to check whether the steam is still too hot. Our yoni is very sensitive to heat and burns are extremely painful.
It is important that you wrap a large towel or a cosy blanket around your waist and lap so that no steam can escape. Both should reach down to the floor and form a kind of tent.
Enjoy the rising steam and lovingly observe how you are feeling. Direct your attention to your yoni and feel into your womb area.
Which herbs are suitable for yoni steaming?
If you opt for dried herbs, a handful is enough as the active ingredients are more concentrated. You can be more generous with fresh plants.
Each plant has different properties:
Rosemary: calms your nerves
Thyme: has antibacterial and antispasmodic properties
Marigold: has an anti-inflammatory and comforting effect
Lavender: relaxes you, has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties
Wormwood: promotes blood circulation
Blackberry leaves: anti-inflammatory, strengthening and toning
Mugwort: promotes blood circulation, has an antibacterial and toning effect, ideal for menstrual cramps
Rose: inhibits inflammation, has a calming and wound-healing effect
Horsetail: good for inflammation, has a detoxifying and restorative effect
Red clover: inhibits inflammation, has a hormone-balancing effect
Lady's mantle: Against itching and unpleasant discharge, has a clarifying and wound-healing effect
What do you need for yoni steaming?
In addition to a selected blend of organic herbs, you will also need a comfortable stool. There are special Yonisteam stools made of wood that you can buy or build yourself with a little manual dexterity. You can find great instructions here.
Alternatively, you can look around your household to see what might be suitable. A large pot, a bowl or a clean bucket will usually work.
Theoretically, you could also place this container in your freshly cleaned toilet bowl and then wrap yourself in a blanket so that no steam escapes. However, the wooden stool is definitely a nicer option.
What are the benefits of yoni steaming?
It is very important for me to mention that your yoni does not need "cleaning". Quite the opposite: it cleans itself with the help of special bacteria. These ensure that the natural pH value of the yoni remains in balance.
It always makes me angry when I see dozens of intimate wash lotions & co. in the drugstore that suggest to us women that we smell bad. It is perfectly sufficient to wash your yoni with water. Any kind of soap, shower gel or special intimate care product disturbs the natural balance and increases the risk of fungal infections and other things we don't want.
Yoni steaming is said to have numerous positive effects on your cycle, your fertility and your menstrual health.
Yoni steaming is traditionally used to cleanse, strengthen, heal and detoxify your vagina and uterus.
In general, it can help to improve your sensuality and body awareness and make your sexuality more pleasurable and pain-free. Many women also report a feeling of freshness and purity as well as a tightening of their yoni.
Yoni steaming can have a supportive effect on numerous female complaints:
Relieves menstrual cramps
Helps you if you are hormonally unbalanced
Supports the healing process after childbirth
Has a positive effect on the healing of sexual trauma
Purifies and cleanses
Alleviates typical symptoms of the menopause
Helps against PMS symptoms
Can heal haemorrhoids
Has a supportive effect if you want to get pregnant
Helps you to have a natural menstrual cycle
I personally find yoni steaming a wonderful way to regularly connect deeply with my womb space. It is my time to refuel as a woman, to go inside myself and to consciously let go of everything that no longer nourishes me. For me, the warm herbal vapour is totally relaxing and soothing.
What do you need to consider when yoni steaming?
Yoni steaming is not suitable if you are pregnant. You should also refrain from using it during menstruation or if you have an acute fungal infection.
Make sure that the steam is not too hot, otherwise you could burn your yoni.
In general, the same applies to yoni steaming as to everything else: trust your intuition and don't overdo it.
Look out for high-quality organic herbal blends and be aware that herbs and flowers can trigger an allergic reaction. If you are generally sensitive to foreign substances, yoni steaming is probably not suitable for you.
When is a good time for yoni steaming?
If you have painful menstruation, the week before and after your period are particularly suitable. The steam bath cleanses, circulates, tones and supports your uterus.
In general, yoni steaming is always suitable if you are not menstruating, suffering from a fungal infection or sexually transmitted disease or are pregnant.
If you use this tried and tested procedure too often, the hot herbal steam can upset your yoni's natural balance.
Just try out whether yoni steaming is something for you. You can find numerous suppliers of high-quality organic herbal blends on the internet if you are not familiar with herbal medicine yourself.
If you need relief for specific female complaints, I recommend that you consult a naturopath specialising in women's health.
The application of yoni steaming is very simple and can help you to access your femininity more deeply and achieve a more pleasurable sexuality.