I conducted an interview with Lesley Sevriens for SPIEGEL Online, focusing on tantric massages, sexuality, and pleasure.

Insta Live
I spoke with the lovely Vivien Schadewaldt, who specializes in sexual and couples coaching for parents, about tantric massage for couples.

Insta Live
Dear Michaela Sturm joined me for an Insta Live session where we discussed tantric massage, Tantra, and sexuality.

I conducted an interview with schriftsteller.de about my calling as a tantric masseuse.

The news site Spiegel asked me and others what gives us strength during the coronavirus crisis.
Photos: Jewgeni Roppel

Dear Franzi from the YouTube Channel Erdbeerliese visited me in the summer of 2020 and shares her experience of her first tantric massage.

Carsten Wölffling from Functional Basic
recorded a podcast with me.
In it, you'll discover why it's worthwhile to delve deeply into your sexuality.
Listen to the Podcast.

In the podcast from Timo Niessner, Freedive your life, you'll learn about the role of breathing in tantric massage..
Listen to the

In episode 41 of the podcast "Zurück auf Null - Entspannung, Achtsamkeit und Meditation im Alltag" by Oliver Haas, you can learn more about tantric massage.
Listen to the