If you know the 4 keys to pleasure, you will be able to intensify your pleasure. Lust is not just lust!
We are actually quite good at keeping our desire at a certain level. At some point, the pressure and tension (seemingly) become too much and we prevent it from increasing further by having a climax.
With the four keys to pleasure, you can gradually push the boundaries so that you can experience stronger feelings of pleasure.
Table of contents
Why YOU hold the keys to pleasure in your hand
1. Key to pleasure - attention
2. Key to pleasure: movement & rhythm
3. Key to pleasure: voice & sound
4. Key to pleasure: breath
Why YOU hold the keys to pleasure in your hand
Do you know what the biggest mistake is when it comes to intense feelings of pleasure? When you make your pleasure dependent on external factors.
Maybe you've already had thoughts along the lines of:
I could certainly let go if I had the right partner
if I didn't have so much stress, my libido would be stronger
if the atmosphere was right, I could let myself go more
if my partner was more responsive to me, I would have more fun, etc.
And of course, it's much easier to blame your partner or the circumstances for your well-being. It's just no use because you hold the key to pleasure in your own hands.
The better you master the 4 keys to pleasure, the more intense your love life will be.
Perhaps certain keys are easier for you than others, for example because you like to move or are a very intuitive person.
Enjoy the keys that you were born with and work specifically on the others if you want to take your pleasure to a new level.
1. key to pleasure - attention
An important key to your pleasure is your attention. Be honest: how often are you REALLY fully present during lovemaking? And how often do you indulge in some fantasy, think about what you still have to do or plan your shopping for next week?
Maybe you don't even drift off into your own thoughts, but wonder what your partner is thinking, whether they find you attractive, etc. The problem is that we become increasingly dissatisfied with our love life, but also with our life in general, when we allow ourselves to be influenced by external circumstances.
The further away your consciousness is from your body, the less pleasure you feel. Pleasure ALWAYS takes place in the body.
As we spend far too much time in our heads due to our society, it takes practice and time to fully reconnect with your body.
Tantric massage is no different. One key to the magic of tantric massage is my full presence with the person in front of me. The same can be applied to your love life. Do you feel yourself with all your senses when you are with your partner?
Fortunately, attention can be trained.
A little perception exercise:
Close your eyes and try to perceive your body from the INSIDE.
Can you feel any tension? If so, where?
Gradually go through your body and notice where you are holding tension and where you can let it go.
How do you feel? What are you feeling right now? Do you feel happy, cheerful, melancholy, excited, bored, angry, indifferent, etc.?
What do your thoughts look like? Do they drag you down or do they make you happy? Are they broad or narrow thoughts? Rather vague or very precise?
Tip for women
How are you actually in contact with your womb area? Have you ever looked at your yoni in the mirror? How does it change when you are aroused?
Take plenty of time to look at your yoni and observe your thoughts. If you can't feel your yoni at all, I recommend placing a hand on your vulva several times a day and focusing your attention there.
It is also worth making contact with your womb - there is an infinite amount of wisdom hidden in our womb.
2. key to pleasure: movement & rhythm
When was the last time you danced? There's no quicker way to get into your body than by putting on your favorite music and shaking your hips.
If you feel like it, you can try out the following exercises with your partner. They will help you to tune your energy into each other.
1st exercise: "Riding a bike" together
Lie on your back and place the soles of your feet together. Now grab your wrist and start cycling together. Once you have found a rhythm, you can speed up and make your movements more expansive. What dynamics can you observe? This is not about judging or criticizing.
Do you have a harmonious flow or does it feel more like a struggle?
Does one of you want to be faster or get higher?
Does one of you adapt to the rhythm of the other?
Does the rhythm change or does it stay the same?
Does one or the other set the pace?
2nd exercise: Dancing
Take 30 minutes and put on your favorite music. It is important that the rhythm is continuous but not too hard.
Let your head sink forwards and backwards, left and right to the rhythm of the music. Turn it in circles and change the direction of rotation. Gentle and soft movements are important, as the neck sometimes has strong blockages.
Now move your eyes. Roll them to the right and left, up and down, without moving your head. Observe exactly which feelings arise and when.
Now grimace. Breathe with your mouth open and contort your facial muscles in all directions. Loosen your lower jaw.
Now perform all three movements together and move your head, eyes and mouth at the same time.
Gradually loosen your shoulders, elbows, hands, hips, pelvis, legs and feet.
Enjoy inventing new movements and expanding the range of motion of your joints.
By moving every part of your body, life and energy will return.
You can also make contact with the individual parts of your partner's body. The important thing is that you remain fully focused on yourself and your movements.
3rd key to pleasure: voice & sound
There is a big difference between sounds and words because the latter have already passed through our inner control station. Sounds, on the other hand, come directly from the subconscious and therefore also from your childlike personality traits.
Observe how often children moan, sigh, scream or make other sounds that do not convey any precise information. When you make sounds, you don't constantly ask yourself whether you are allowed to do so or whether the other person likes it.
Sounds are instinctive, spontaneous and extremely intimate, as they reveal our inner life.
Observe yourself during lovemaking: do you express your desire through sounds or do you tend to be completely silent?
Whenever you hold back sounds and control them with your mind, you keep yourself from true pleasure and close the door to a more intimate kind of sexuality.
Through sound, you can free your mind from the thousand thoughts and ideas that are constantly running through your head.
Exercise 1: Bija mantra
In tantra, there are six seed syllables of bija mantras:
Each germ syllable influences a specific organ or body part. Incorporate the seed syllables into your daily yoga practice over a longer period of time. The sun salutation, Surya Namaskar, is ideal for this.
Prayer posture: Hram
Stretch your arms upwards: Hrim
Deep forward bend: Hrum
Sprinter's pose: Hraim
Push-up: Hraum
Knees, chest and forehead on the floor: Hrah - now the germ syllables start all over again
Cobra: Hram
Downward Dog: Hrim
Sprinter's pose: Hrum
Deep forward bend: Hraim
Stretch your arms upwards: Hraum
Prayer posture: Hrah
Exercise 2: Osho meditation
The following technique comes from Osho. Take 15 minutes and make sounds without meaning. It doesn't matter which sounds you make - they don't have to make sense. If your body wants to move, let it. Then lie on your stomach for a few minutes and observe whether and how your mind has changed.
Exercise 3: Vowels
Start with the vowels A, E, I, O and U and grimace as you pronounce the sounds. Observe the different vibrations associated with each vowel. Each vowel has its own field of action.
A: acts on the esophagus, the three upper ribs and the upper lungs
E: acts on the throat, vocal cords, larynx and thyroid gland
I: acts on the larynx, nose and head - effective for relieving migraines
O: acts on the chest and diaphragm - strengthens and nourishes the heart
U: acts on the stomach, liver, intestines and gonads
4th key to pleasure: Breath
I find the topic of breathing totally exciting and can warmly recommend that you look into it. The more you allow yourself to breathe during lovemaking, the stronger your pleasure and eventual climax will be.
It's also worth paying attention to your breathing in everyday life. The next time you are stressed or anxious, take three deep breaths. You will immediately notice how you feel better.
If you want to go really deep, I recommend workshops on Holotropic Breathwork and Kali Breathing. Both were life-changing experiences for me
To get a feel for the power of your breath, you can do the following exercise, which comes from rebirthing.
Exercise from rebirthing
Lie down on a soft mat and breathe more deeply than usual.
Concentrate more on inhaling than exhaling. Energetically, this means that you take in more energy than you release.
It is important that you breathe in cycles. Inhaling and exhaling take the same amount of time and form a wave, so you don't hold your breath.
After a while, you will notice how your perception of your body changes.
You may feel your sensations more clearly and intensely.
Tingling, tension, pressure and a flowing feeling are also possible.
It is quite possible that emotions such as anger, sadness, sexual arousal or love will arise.
Just keep breathing while you observe your feelings and thoughts. They come and go while you keep your attention on your breathing and return to it again and again.
Whenever you significantly increase your breathing rate, you come into intense contact with your body. Instead of trying to judge or categorize what you are experiencing, you should simply observe what is going on inside you.
Through breathing exercises, you can immerse yourself in completely new sensations.
There is an inexhaustible potential of experiences within us, but they are usually outside of our consciousness. This is why I love breathwork - because you can have very profound experiences with simple means and expand your consciousness more and more.
The 4 keys to pleasure are attention, movement and rhythm, breath and sound & voice. If you work on these specifically, you will soon experience more intense forms of intimacy. Don't be discouraged if it seems like a lot at once.
Most of us already have natural access to one or two keys, which you can strengthen with targeted practice. You can then gradually explore the other keys to pleasure.